Follow us as we travel to China for our son, Matthew. We began this journey almost 3 years ago and can't believe we are about to meet our son!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We are here....

Sorry I haven't updated!! I have been posting a little on Facebook though. It took me 2 days to get over the jetlag and adjust to the time difference but I think I am finally starting to feel myself again. The plane right was VERY long but uneventful! We have been busy seeing the sights in Beijing.

The first day our guide took us to the grocery store. That was an experience!!! There were lots of animals with heads and bugs......we didn't get any of those. They have many original flavors for their chips...there was steak flavor, shrimp flavor, there were even chips that had dipping sauce (ketchup?). Later that night we went to see an acrobatic show. Wow, those people can bend their bodies into positions that you wouldn't think someone should be able to. We had a great time. We got back to the hotel around 7pm, fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning, I think we were a little tired.

Yesterday we went to the Great Wall. It was quite a "hike" up the wall, my legs are feeling it today. We had a great time and took a lot of great pictures. There were SO many people there, you almost couldn't walk because of the crowd. We got back to the hotel around 7 and again we fell asleep until this morning. So that was 2 nights in a row with no dinner. This is one way to lose weight, LOL.

Today we went to Tienenman Square, The Forebidden City and then for a rickshaw (?) ride through the city. It was cold and rainy today but we did see some amazing sights. We had a great day but we can't stop thinking about meeting Matthew tomorrow. Our plane leaves at 9:40am and we should be with him around noon!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On Our Way.....

Well, today is the day!!!! Bags are packed, paperwork together, plans for Brandon and Haley for the next 17 days have been made. I think we are ready for our LONG flight. We will arrive in Beijing tomorrow and stay there for a few days. We have some tours scheduled to see the area and allow our bodies time to adjust to the new time zone. The on April 12th we fly to Jinan and meet Matthew. We love all of you and appreciate all that you have done for us over the last 3 years. Talk to you soon from China.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, I have finally gotten this blog created! I just hope that we will be able to access while we are in China. This blog is keep everyone updated on our adventures as we travel to get our son, Matthew. This journey began 3 years ago when God placed on our hearts a desire to adopt a child from another country. At the time, we thought we wanted a healthy, girl, as young as possible. Wow, how that changed! God used our time waiting to open our hearts to the special needs children who are waiting in China. He also showed us that we should trust him to decide if a boy or girl was meant for our family.

On December 22, 2009, we were traveling home from visiting Bill's parents in Florida. We got a call from our social worker who told us we had been matched with a 2 1/2 year old little boy who was born with a cleft lip/palate. Both have been repaired already. We were so excited and amazed at how God works. Since then we have filling out more paperwork and waiting on China to send us our travel dates. We leave on April 7th and will be in China until April 24th. We will continue to update this blog as our travels begin.